The Stellar Stars Speech Competition
The stellar stars
The Jr Black Achievement Awards Society (JrBAA) proudly presents the Stellar Stars Speech Competition. Its primary purpose is to promote effective communication and confidence in high school students within British Columbia’s Black Community. The top prize is a $2,000 academic scholarship to aid students in accessing further education. This competition is sponsored and funded by generous donations to the JrBAA as well as corporate sponsors. If you want to learn how to become a sponsor, click here.
The Stellar Stars Speech Competition allows youth in grades eleven and twelve to research, write, and then deliver an original speech based on yearly themes on a variety of topics. Our competition provides an incentive to develop communication skills and confidence. These proficiencies are vital to preparing our youth to enter the workforce and participate in society.
The JrBAA is committed to furthering the accessibility of post-secondary education to BC youth. We do this by fostering confidence, providing education, and assisting with access to funding. We sincerely invite you to participate in our programs.
Stellar Stars Speech competition Nomination form
Competition Objective
The JrBAA recognizes the importance of clear and effective communication in society. With the Stellar Stars Speech Competition and its supplementary workshops and educations, we reaffirm our commitment to building these skills in a safe and welcoming environment.
Thanks to the continued support of donors, we are able to pursue this goal and award the winner of the annual competition with an academic scholarship. These accolades will help break down barriers and assist in accessing post-secondary education.
Student Eligibility
Participants must have attended at least one JrBAA Education Session prior to applying to the Stellar Stars Speech Competition. Attendance applies to any of our workshops and events held throughout the year. For a list of the upcoming schedule and information on how you can attend, please check our website at
Get the Student Guidebook
Download a copy of the full guidebook for complete details.
The JrBAA is committed to empowering the Black Community in BC. All contestants must identify as being of African descent and enrolled in a BC educational program. Participants must be in grades 11, 12, or equivalent and between 16 and 19 years of age. We ask that you include a copy of your most recent report card with the application and consent forms as proof of enrollment.
All applicants must be available to attend the competition in its entirety. The Stellar Stars Speech Competition is held annually at the JrBAA’s Spring Educational Weekend Retreat. Announcements of the schedule and updates will be posted to the Stellar Stars Speech Competition page before the festivities.
The First Place Scholarship winner will be formally recognized at our Fall Awards Ceremony and Gala. Attendance at this event is encouraged but not mandatory. Payment for the scholarship is made directly to the educational program. If the winner is already enrolled in a post-secondary institution, the scholarship can be paid directly to the student to be used for other academic or living expenses. If the winner is not enrolled in a post-secondary institution, the scholarship is held for up to 12 months from your Grade 12 graduation date, and proof of acceptance is provided.
Competition Costs
In an effort to increase accessibility, there are no entry fees associated with the Stellar Stars Speech Competition. We do this to ensure that students each have equal access to the ability to compete with no extraneous financial burden.
The JrBAA is committed to helping students pursue their passions. We realize that participation in the Spring Educational Weekend Retreat may come with additional costs for some students. The JrBAA is committed to increasing the accessibility of the event to as many students as possible. If you are in need of financial assistance for travel or other expenses, please email us at for more information.
Speech Preparation Rules
All speeches must adhere to the topic assigned by the JrBAA.
Speeches shall not contain any unnecessarily explicit or vulgar language.
The speech shall not be in the format of a narrative story.
No emphasis will be given to one type of speech over another, such as humorous over serious.
Competition topics will be available a minimum of 3 months prior to the competition or by (December 15th).
Each speaker will be assigned a unique topic on which to compose their speech.
Topics will be drawn at random from a predetermined set.
Topics will be distributed by email upon receipt of a completed Application Form.
Once a topic has been assigned, it can not be exchanged.
Each contestant shall research, develop and deliver their own original speech.
Contestants are required to submit the purpose, subject, and title of their speech along with a photo and brief bio a minimum of 30 days before the competition.
Advice and coaching are allowed, and changes may be made to the speech at any time prior to the competition.
Contestants shall not engage or interact with the audience during the competition.
Contestants shall not identify themselves, their city, or school in the context of their speech.
Notes are allowed on one 5cm x 8cm cue card to use during their speech. The speech shall not be read verbatim.
Audio/visual aids are permitted but must be submitted for approval before the start of the competition.
Contestants’ speeches shall be limited to no less than five (5) minutes or no more than eight (8) minutes.
Contestants must give proper credit to any source from which they derive information. Contestants may use quotations and/or copyrighted materials but must identify the original author.
Contestants may not use a whole speech from any other source, regardless of credit or acknowledgement.
Plagiarism is a severe offence and will not be tolerated. The use of plagiarized material or quotations and other referenced material without proper credit to the original source will result in disqualification.
Topics for Consideration
Each contestant will be assigned a unique topic on which to compose their speech. These topics will be drawn at random from a predetermined set upon receipt of your application to the Stellar Stars Speech Competition.
Each applicant will be provided two words and one phrase. You must select one of these three options on which to compose your speech.
Once a topic has been assigned to a contestant, it will be removed from the pool. Topics can not be exchanged or reassigned once distributed. Topics can not be previewed or discussed before their allocation.
Topics will be finalized a minimum of three (3) months before the competition date or by December 15th. Responses to any applications received before this date will be deferred until the availability of topics has been officially announced.
Once a topic is assigned, the composition of the speech must fall under one of the following categories:
A speech to inform
A speech to persuade
A speech to inspire
A speech to entertain
A research speech
A speech about current events
Speeches shall not be in the format of a narrative story. During judging, no emphasis or preference shall be given to one type of speech over another. This means that a humorous speech shall hold no more weight than a serious speech.
Competition Rules
Contestants must be between 16 and 19 years of age and in grades 11, 12, or equivalent.
No prior competition experience is necessary.
Contestants shall complete and submit an application form in accordance with the due dates announced in the competing year.
All contestants must identify as of Black African descent.
If a contestant has not attended a JRBAA event within the previous 12 months of the application due date, they shall not be eligible to complete it until they do so.
Contestants must be legal residents of British Columbia, Canada, and enrolled in a BC educational program. Homeschooled students are permitted to compete as long as they meet all eligibility requirements.
Contestants shall be respectful to all other contestants at all times. They shall conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner.
All contestants must be available to attend the competition.
The JrBAA shall announce the theme and schedule of the Spring Educational Weekend Retreat and the Stellar Stars Speech Competition no later than December 15th of the previous year.
Each contestant shall complete the Student Application Form and the Consent and Acknowledgement Risk Forms (see Competition Forms Section) and email them to by January 20th.
Contestants must submit the subject, title, and category of their speech, a short bio including their grade and goals, and a photo no later than February 15th. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. No personally identifiable information is to be included in the bio (such as school, city of residence, etc.).
Any applications arriving after the due date established by the JrBAA may be ruled ineligible for the competition.
A minimum of three judges shall be used, with an additional Alternate Judge whose ballot will be counted only if a tie occurs.
Each judge shall be provided with a copy of the Judging Criteria, Judges Information Sheet, and a Judges Rubric (see Judging Criteria and Evaluation Forms Section)
All judges shall evaluate all contestants competing in the competition.
The Judges shall be allowed three (3) minutes after each speech to complete the Judges’ Rubric for that contestant.
The Judges’ Rubrics shall be collected and given to the Tellers for tabulation.
Tellers shall calculate the rubric from each judge and record the results on the Tellers form. The totals from each judge shall then be added together to reveal a combined total score.
Scores and rankings shall not be revealed.
Any time penalties will be deducted from the combined totals.
The Alternate Judge shall judge the competition and complete a Judges Rubric as well.
The Alternate Judges’ Rubric shall be placed in an envelope and marked “Alternate” and shall be used only in the event of a tie.
If a tie occurs for first place between two contestants in the points awarded, the Alternate Judges’ Rubric will be opened and counted.
If there are no alternate judges, or the Alternate Judges Rubric results in a tie, the contestants in question will engage in a two (2) to three (3) minute extemporaneous speech competition to determine the winner. Judges will evaluate this competition based on the same Judging Rubric.
If the tie-breaker also results in a tie, the Competition Facilitator and Judges will deliberate to determine a winner.
Individual Rubric tabulations may be requested from the JRBAA by the individual contestants after the competition has been completed.
There shall be a minimum of two Timers who shall record each contestant’s presentation time on the Timers Report Form.
The length of the contestant’s speech shall be between five (5) minutes and eight (8) minutes.
The Timer shall demonstrate the timing devices and explain timing procedures when called on.
The Moderator may choose to explain the timing procedures personally. However, Timers will be called upon to demonstrate the light signal.
Contestants shall be given a lighted signal at a minimum of five (5) minutes.
The light shall remain on for one (1) minute, and then no further signal will be given.
Should the speaker continue past eight (8) minutes, a signal will be given at nine (9) minutes.
At the nine (9) minute mark, the Moderator will stand and thank the speaker.
Each speech is timed from the first word spoken by the contestant, or any non-verbal communication is used as part of the speech. Timing shall end when all verbal and non-verbal communication ceases.
After each speaker has finished, the Timer will signal the Moderator to indicate when the three (3) minute period for the Judges to complete their rubrics is over.
There are no disqualifications for the length of the speech. However, penalty points will be applied for violating the five to eight-minute length of speech rule.
Speech Time Limits and Grace Period
The minimum time for the speech shall be five (5) minutes. If the measured time is shorter, a penalty of one (1) point per second will be deducted from the contestants’ scores.
The maximum time for the speech shall be eight (8) minutes. If the speech time is longer, penalty points will be applied to the contestant’s score. A penalty of one (1) point per second will be deducted from the total score.
Should a contestant’s speech reach the nine (9) minute mark, Moderator shall stand and thank the contestant, ending their time.
The JrBAA shall have the right to edit, publish, and/or record any speech used.
The listed Speech Preparation Rules are also part of the Competition Rules.
If any competition rules are broken, the contestant shall be disqualified from competing by the Competition Facilitator.
Any protest shall be made in writing and given to the Competition Facilitator before the announcement of the winner, who will evaluate and concur with the competition judges to assure a fair evaluation.
On the date established for the Stellar Stars Speech Competition, all contestants shall compete at the time and place scheduled for the competition.
Applications will be accepted in the order in which they are received.
The JrBAA reverses the right to limit the number of applicants competing in any event.
Competition Location
The Stellar Stars Speech Competition shall be part of the scheduled activities of the JrBAA Spring Educational Weekend Retreat.
The competition may be conducted in a predetermined location, such as a conference room, auditorium, or any suitable location that the Speech Planning Committee finds most practical for the contestants.
One side room/area shall be available in addition to the meeting room.
Contestants need to remain in a pre-speech room/area while waiting for their turn to speak.
Assistants will be available to stay with the contestants before and after their speeches.
Competition Scheduling
The Stellar Stars Speech Competition will be held annually in the Spring.
Additional communication and educational workshops and educations shall be scheduled throughout the year to prepare and train contestants
Attending at least one workshop or education in the previous 12-month period is mandatory to participate in the Stellar Stars Speech competition.
Competition Forms
Speech Competition Confirmation
To compete in the Stellar Stars Speech Competition, the contestant shall complete both the Student Application Form and the Consent and Acknowledgement of Risk form.
Both forms require the student’s signature and a parent or legal guardian’s signature for contestants under the age of 19.
These forms must be completed and emailed with proof of enrollment to before January 20th.
Student Application and Consent and Acknowledgement of Risk forms
Download the Student Application and Consent and Acknowledgement of risk forms here.
Or, download the complete Stellar Stars Speech Competition Student Guidebook here.
The Student Application and Consent and Acknowledgement of Risk Forms must be submitted with proof of enrollment to before January 20th.
Judging Criteria and Evaluation Forms
Judging Criteria
Topic & Category
The topic of the speech is clearly communicated and well-focused. The speech is structured around its category, and the speaker stays on topic with a consistent, appropriate, and compelling tone.
The opening of the speech should be clear and relevant. Good speakers will strive to craft an attention-grabbing or captivating opening to entice the audience. The opening should complement the topic and category of the speech and should be well-focused. A good speech immediately engages the audience. An imaginative or unique approach is an asset to crafting a successful speech.
The introduction of a speech sets the stage. It outlines the main ideas to support your topic and complement your category. A successful speech will clearly outline these main ideas. Delivery of these main points should be organized, focused and relevant to the topic.
The body of the speech will discuss the supporting information for each main idea. Each should be clearly addressed with a logical flow of information. Successful speeches will be captivating throughout, with supporting evidence presented and properly referencing any source material.
A good conclusion will review and summarize all the main ideas presented. All questions posed should be answered in a well-focused and organized manner. Successful speakers will employ effective concluding techniques ensuring that the category objective is clearly achieved.
Body Language & Gestures
Body language and gesturing are vital for an effective speech to engage the audience. Appropriate emphasis should be made on the points discussed. Gestures and facial expressions should appear fluid and natural. A strong platform presence will include all of these qualities, as well as the effective use of eye contact with the audience.
Pitch, Pace, Pause, Projection, & Diction
Proper use of pitch, pace, pausing and projection will elevate the performance of any speech. A successful speaker will use variety in the pace and pitch in which they deliver the speech to emphasize important information and notable points. The projection must be clear so that the audience and judges may hear. Pausing should be used with skill to highlight key points and allow the audience to reflect or react. A good speaker will avoid filler words and have clear diction throughout their speech.
Judges will consciously avoid bias of any kind in selecting the order of the speech contestants.
They will not consider any contestants’ age, sex, race, creed, national origin, profession, or political beliefs.
They shall demonstrate the utmost objectivity.
Judges will support and uphold the competition rules and judging standards.
Judges will refrain from public criticism of any contestants or revealing scores and ranking.
Judges Rubric
The Judges’ Rubric breaks down the marking criteria for each aspect of the speeches. This is an essential tool for understanding the judging process. You can download the rubric in the Stellar Stars Student Guidebook here.
Discover the illustrious legacy of the JrBAA’s Stellar Stars Speech Competition through our comprehensive Past Winners Archives. Delve into a treasure trove of brilliance as we showcase the outstanding speakers who have graced our prestigious stage. Unearth timeless speeches, awe-inspiring narratives, and the triumphs of exceptional young minds. Immerse yourself in the captivating stories that have shaped the competition’s history, leaving an indelible mark on the world of oratory excellence. Explore the archives and witness the transformative power of words as these stellar stars continue to shine bright in their pursuit of greatness.