Awards and Scholarships
awards and scholarships
Scholarship’s Information
Updated April 15, 2024
We still have sponsorship opportunities for several of our scholarships and awards. If you are interested in sponsoring an award pleaser contact us at We also graciously accept donations to make these awards possible. Please feel free to contact us or click to donate.
JRBAA Awards & Scholarship Application form
Nominate an outstanding student, or put your own name in the running!
Identify as Black African descent.
Age range 11 -19 years old Grades 5 - 12
Contestants must be legal residents of British Columbia, Canada, and enrolled in a BC educational program. Homeschooled students are permitted to compete if they meet all other eligibility requirements.
Youth may enter any or all categories, subject to eligibility.
Youth may nominate themselves.
Submit nomination forms to the JrBAA Society by:
or Mail to: JrBAA Society - Programs
PMB #338 407-552 Clarke Road
Coquitlam, BC V3J 0A3
Eligible Candidates must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 (B) average on a 4.5 scale.
All candidates must write and submit a 250 to 300-word essay on one of the following topics;
How will winning this scholarship impact your post-secondary educational journey?
Who is a person that I look up to, and how have they inspired me?
Additional topics may be specified for specific awards.
Candidates MUST have attended at least ONE JrBAA Society Community Education Session in the 12 months before submission of the application.
Photos: A small photograph of the nominee (school photo or other) must be submitted. Maximum size: 21/2” x 3 1/2”. Photos will be retained and shown in a framed display on the awards night and at subsequent awards.
Finalists are expected to attend the ceremony, although this is not a criterion for a nomination. Organizers are to be advised if a finalist cannot attend.
All deadlines must be adhered to.
Scholastic Achievement - $3,000.00
Ages 16 - 19 Grades 11 & 12 or equivalent
For the top students pursuing post-secondary education.
Copy of Report Card.
Decided by the judges from all nominations received.
Speech Competition – “Stellar Stars” - $2000.00
The Stellar Stars Speech Competition allows youth in grades eleven and twelve to research, write, and then deliver an original speech based on yearly themes on a variety of topics. Our competition provides an incentive to develop communication skills and confidence. These proficiencies are vital to preparing our youth to enter the workforce and participate in society.
The primary purpose of the speech competition is to promote effective communication and confidence among high school students within British Columbia’s Black Community. The top prize is a $2,000 academic scholarship to aid the student in accessing further education. This competition is sponsored and funded by generous donations to the JrBAA as well as corporate sponsors.
For complete details, please visit the Stellar Stars Speech Competition page.
Synergy Youth Leadership Award - $1000
This award aims to acknowledge, support and celebrate youth who are demonstrating outstanding leadership qualities. By recognizing their dedication, we hope to inspire and empower more young people to effect change by taking on leadership roles and participating in Policy and governance processes.
Ages 16 – 19 Grade: 11 & 12 or equivalent.
Applications will be scored on a points-based system. Please describe how each of the following applies to you. Each criterion has 5 points:
Holds or has held a significant role on a committee, board, or advisory group or similar leadership roles such as Student body President etc. (200 words)
Demonstrates the ability to inspire and mobilize others toward collective goals. Share outcomes and positive impacts resulting from the leadership efforts (200 words)
Demonstrates creativity in solving problems and addressing challenges (200 words)
Exhibits a commitment to personal growth and development as a leader; share ways that leadership skill enhancements have been achieved (200 words)
Demonstrates a strong commitment to influencing policy decisions. Share ways that the nominee has actively participated in policy-making processes activities. (200 words)
Provide at least two references who can attest to the nominee's leadership qualities and contributions.
The Essay Competition - $1,000.00
The Jr Black Achievement Awards Society (JrBAA) proudly presents our annual Writing Competition. Its primary purpose is to promote effective communication and confidence in students within British Columbia’s Black Community.
The top prize for essay writing is a $1,000 academic scholarship to aid students in accessing further education. This contest is sponsored and funded by generous donations to the JrBAA and corporate sponsors.
The Essay competition allows youth in grades eleven and twelve to research and write an original piece on a yearly theme related to the Black Community.
Our Creative Writing competition provides an incentive to develop written communication skills and confidence. These proficiencies are vital to preparing our youth to enter the workforce and participate in society.
Creative Writing - 6 x $250.00
Compositions for the creative writing portion of the competition are distributed between the following categories:
Fiction - Short Stories
Non-Fiction - A feature article: structured expository prose on a topic, issue or event
Poetry - Metrical and Free Verse
Each category shall be judged separately. Entries will be further divided into age groups. All contestants must be between the ages of 10 and 16 and in grades 5 through 10 or equivalent.
Grades 5 through 7
Grades 8 through 10
Students may create a piece on a topic of their choosing for the creative writing competition. During judging, no emphasis or preference shall be given to one type of writing tone over another. This means a humorous story shall hold no more weight than a serious one.
Sports Award - $1,000.00 x 2
Ages 16 to 19. Grade groups 11 & 12 or equivalent
For excellence in Sports.
Individual or Team
Copy of Report Card.
Submit photos or photocopies only.
Do not send medals/trophies/ribbons, etc.
Decided by the judges from all nominations received.
A 250-300 word essay answering one of the following questions:
What is one life lesson that sport has given me?
Or Who is a person that I look up to, and how have they inspired me as an athlete?
Academic and Performing Arts - $1,000.00
Ages 16 – 19. Grades 11 & 12 or equivalent.
Music - Voice/Instrument where marks are given for exams (include copies of exam results).
Visual Arts - include samples of work.
Performing Arts - (Dance, Drama, Singing, Public speaking, etc.) documentation required.
Performing Groups - 2 or more that regularly perform. Type, group name & names of members.
Other Arts submissions: Please specify:....................................................................
Copy of Report Card.
Decided by the judges based on all nominations received.
Academic and Visual Arts (Multimedia) - $1,000.00
Ages 16 – 19. Grade groups: 11 & 12 or equivalent
Include samples of work and documentation required
Copy of Report Card
Decided by the judges based on all nominations received.
Community Initiative - $2,000.00
Ages 16 – 19. Grade groups: 11 & 12 or equivalent.
Documentation of service outside of school is required.
Founder or founding member of community organization or initiative.
Name of the organization that the volunteer service.
Amount of Volunteer hours.
Description of volunteer activities. Maximum 300 words.
The impact made on the black community as a result of the service.
1000 words.
Attach photos, programs and or supporting documentation.
Decided by the judges from all nominations received.
Social Justice and Civic Engagement - $500.00
Ages 16 – 19. Grade groups 11 & 12 or equivalent
(Political Activities/Involvement)
(Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Human Rights, Anti-racism activities)
Documentation of service outside of school is required.
Attach photos, programs and or supporting documentation
Decided by the judges from all nominations received.
Academic and Sports - Individual or Team - 4 x 250.00
Ages 11 – 15. Grade groups: 5 -10
Submit photos or photocopies only.
Do not send medals/trophies/ribbons, etc.
Copy of Report card
Decided by the judges from all nominations received.
A 250-300 word essay answering one of the following questions:
What is one life lesson that sport has given me?
Or Who is a person that I look up to, and how have they inspired me as an athlete?
Community Service - 4 x 250.00
Ages 11 - 19. Grade groups 5 – 12 or equivalent
Documentation of service outside of school is required.
Name of the organization/s that the volunteer service.
Number of Volunteer hours
Description of volunteer activities. Maximum 300 words.
The impact made on the black community because of the service.
Attach photos, programs and or supporting documentation.
Decided by the judges from all nominations received.
Certificates for Scholastic Achievements Grades 5 – 12
1st in the family to attend a post-secondary school $500.00
High school assistance - Grade 11 $250.00
High School assistance - Grade 10 $250.00
Decided by the JrBAA Board of Directors
Anticipated scholarships and awards based on funding and application volume. If you would like to sponsor an award or scholarship, please email us at, or you can donate today.